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Brandon 最初来自新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基,现居住在亚利桑那州的凤凰城,目前是 365 Spirit 的所有者,这是一家啦啦队和舞蹈公司,提供私人家庭诊所、夏季通勤营、夏季休养营和全球竞争性舞蹈编排。  在 365,布兰登担任诊所主任,并领导特技诊所课程开发。作为啦啦队队长、教练、营地教练、音乐技师和编舞大师,他拥有超过 20 年的经验。他作为会议发言人在美国各地分享了他的专业知识,包括 CSCA、GSSA、NSCA、ICCA、OCCA、 TCCA、WACPC 和 AIA。他丰富的评审经验包括 United Spirit Association、New Mexico Activities Association、Arizona 校际 Association,金州精神协会,舞蹈队联盟学院经典全国邀请赛。


布兰登在新墨西哥州、亚利桑那州和德克萨斯州执教过许多成功的男女混合、全女子、高中、全明星、特技和大学团队。  作为一名编舞大师,他编排了三百多个获奖的地区、州和国家全女子、男女混合和比赛日套路。 2021 年,他创造了新的公司历史记录;在 2020-2021 赛季编排了 13 个州冠军头衔!他还制作了许多 NCA、USA 和 Jamfest 编舞获奖套路。他的编舞经验还包括在内华达大学联合制作 2012 年内华达州全州啦啦队半场表演。在过去的 9 年里,布兰登一直是经过认证的 NFHS 技术评委,并且引领了 NFHS 规则变更的方向性路径。他目前担任首席技术评委/NFHS规则 口译员 用于友邦保险。  


2017 年,他的专业知识使他成为电视和电影电影行业的顾问。 2018 年,他作为啦啦队和舞蹈顾问参与了“聚焦新墨西哥”关于脑震荡安全和预防的圆桌讨论。

在他的休息时间,布兰登志愿担任新墨西哥州波士顿梗犬救援组织的筹款委员会成员(他和他的丈夫在那里拯救了他们的毛皮宝宝 Misha)。 

布兰登在全国范围内获得了州高中协会全国联合会的 3 级认证校际教练以及 USA Cheer 专业编舞的认证。他还获得了新墨西哥州公共教育部的许可和认证。 


Jomar 来自加利福尼亚州欧申赛德,现居住在亚利桑那州凤凰城。他是 365 Spirit 的共同所有人,在该公司领导夏令营和私人诊所、比赛日和传统编舞概念的课程开发,并担任业务运营经理。 Jomar 的丰富经验始于他 8 岁时第一次接触舞蹈,当时他就读于 Oceanside 舞蹈学院,在那里他擅长抒情、芭蕾和现代舞。


17 岁时,他被介绍加入了全明星啦啦队,在那里他在 5 级团队中参加了 3 年的比赛,例如 NCA-Dallas、美国大奖赛和啦啦队世界。正是在这个健身房,他开始了他的教练生涯,并且是开拓新墨西哥州第一支初级 5 级球队的一员。他的全明星队在达拉斯的 NCA 国民队中排名前十,并在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯的 UPA 国民队中赢得了全国冠军。 Jomar 对细节的关注为他赢得了多项 Tumbling 和 Choreography 荣誉,包括 Jamfest Choreography 和 grand champion game day award。他的教练风格非常注重技术细节,专注于啦啦队和舞蹈的基础、安全和进步。


2013 年,他的才华使他成为新墨西哥芭蕾舞团的一名合同舞者。他出演的许多作品包括堂吉诃德、斯巴达克斯、胡桃夹子和爱丽丝梦游仙境。他独舞角色,如《胡桃夹子》中的鼠王和《爱丽丝梦游仙境》中的白兔。



他在欢呼方面的编舞经验包括 50 多个州、地区和全国锦标赛比赛日以及全国各地的传统欢呼套路。他独特的风格和对音乐的欣赏使他成为该国最抢手的竞技编舞家之一。 


2017 年,他的专业知识使他成为电影行业的电视和电影顾问,其中包括一部名为 Cheerleader Killer 的 Lifetime 电视电影。  


Jomar 是 NFHS 认证的技术裁判,认证的美国啦啦队规则解释员,以及全国各州高中协会联合会认证的校际教练。自 2020 年以来,他一直担任亚利桑那校际协会的技术评委和表演评委。 


在空闲时间,Jomar 喜欢烹饪和尝试精心制作的食谱。他志愿担任新墨西哥州波士顿梗犬救援组织的筹款委员会成员(他和他的丈夫在那里拯救了他们的毛皮宝宝 Misha)

Brooklyn Nolasco 

Originally from Casa Grande, Arizona, Brooklyn resides in Phoenix, Arizona and is currently the executive assistant coordinator for 365 Spirit, a  cheerleading and dance company which specializes in private home clinics, summer camps, and competitive choreography world wide.  At 365, Brooklyn wears many hats. She is the lead clinician for summer camps and has worked as a camp manager since 2021. In 2023, she also made several contributions to the 365 Spirit summer stunt curriculum. Her ability to break down the mechanics of the body has made her one of our most creative clinicians. This year Brooklyn has helped create an arsenal of creative transitional stunts which will be used by the entire team of 365 Spirit clinicians. 


As a cheerleader, Brooklyn attended Casa Grande Union High School where she helped lead the team to the 2019 State Championship Title. She immediately began coaching at her alma mater and has led the team to several top finishes at the state championship in Arizona as well as USA spirit Nationals in Anaheim, California. In 2023 Brooklyn expanded her expertise in choreography. She has been traveling the country delivering award winning game day choreography including the 2024 USA Spirit Nationals Crowdleader National Champions. 


In 2024 Brooklyn joined the 365 Spirit Marketing team and currently assists with business development. In her spare time she LOVES to attend a good concert where she can dance the night away. 

Alyssa Vallez

Alyssa resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is a member of the Master Clinician team at 365 Spirit, a cheerleading and dance company specializing in private home clinics, summer camps, and worldwide competitive choreography. During the summer Alyssa serves as a Master Clinician where she facilitates master classes in advanced technical stunting, modern technique, and intelligent stunt transitions. She brings nearly a decade of experience as a competitive athlete and coach to the 365 family. 


Currently, she is the head coach at her alma mater, West Mesa High School, in Albuquerque, where she helped capture back-to-back state runner up trophies in the 5A- coed division. 


Alyssa’s teaching style is unique because of her educational background. Alyssa is pursuing a bachelor's degree in psychology at New Mexico State University. She is projected to graduate in 2024 with the intent of becoming a counselor or therapist. Her unique stunt breakdowns have become a hit. Many of Alyssa’s tips and drills have become cornerstones of the modernized 365 Spirit stunting technique.  


When she isn't focused on school, she enjoys reading and spending time with her family. Alyssa is certified to coach by the New Mexico Activities Association.


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